Author: admin

My next novels

My next novels  Sometimes, Abed searches the dustbins for newspapers, magazines or books. An American professor lived in the neighborhood.  – The weather is fine here all the time. That is why you are not as studious as Europeans are. There, it snows and people stay at home to study. – Michael said.  – When…

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Farewell List

Farewell List Stories Author Mohamed Failali ISBN : 978-9920-39-575-5 In loving memory of the victims of incurable diseases all over the world! ‘Doctor Francesca Cortellaro, who works at Milan’s San Carlo Borromeo hospital, told an Italian newspaper: “You know what’s most dramatic? Seeing patients dying alone, listening to them as they beg you to say…

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La Profumeuse

La Profumeuse Story Author Mohamed Failali ISBN: 978-9920-39-611-0   I was going to print this book. Because of the sanitary confinement, I published it as an e-book. Everyone has a book within. I invite you to write your book and publish it for free on the internet. Your knowledge might help others who need it.…

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Sad Sauce

Sad Sauce Author: Mohamed Failali Editor: Mohamed Failali  Legal Deposit: 2018MO4700 ISBN : 978-9920-36-532-1   ‘Sad Sauce’ is my seventh book. The story reflects part of my life. Sadness is its main ingredient. I am mostly sad for others, who cannot afford their least needs. Whereas, some complain about their tiny pocket money of 500€…

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What’s up?

What’s up? EDITOR: MOHAMED FAILALI AUTHOR: MOHAMED FAILALI LEGAL DEPOSIT: 2017MO0987 I.S.B.N: 978-9954-39-726-8 What’s up? Are gadgets more important to you than the people who love you? Take care of yourself and yours! Life is too short to be wasted on trifling matters. Think of changing your bad habits. It is never late to learn.…

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NADIMA EDITOR: MOHAMED FAILALI AUTHOR: MOHAMED FAILALI LEGAL DEPOSIT: 2016MO1690 I.S.B.N: 978-9954-37-656-0 ‘My mother does not want me to study. She forces me to become a prostitute so that she can have rest.’ These were Nadima’s last words addressing Salem before she jumped to the street. She was born in the darkness of the medina.…

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  120 EDITOR: FAILALI MOHAMED AUTHOR: FAILALI MOHAMED LEGAL DEPOSIT: 2015MO1131  I.S.B.N: 978-9954-35-220-5 This story reflects my deep concern about youth and the impact of their parents’ mistakes on their lives. When I was a student, someone told my father that I had an affair with a girl, whose hand – I swear – I…

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OMNIA EDITOR: FAILALI MOHAMED AUTHOR: FAILALI MOHAMED LEGAL DEPOSIT : 2013 MO 1787          I.S.B.N: 978-9954-32-326-7 Omnia causa fiunt Everything happens for a reason Todo sucede por una razón Tout arrive pour une raison كل مفعول لسبب Writing is my destiny. So far, I have published three books. An Unexpected Intruder, 2009, a novel I…

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Salam, stories, in four languages: English, Español, Français,عربيه 2010 MO 2074 I.S.B.N: 978 – 9954 – 30 – 004 – 6 These stories are written in four different languages so that a large number of people, from all over the world, can read them. They are meant to give an idea to the reader about…

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A very kind Moroccan journalist from Anadolu Agency, Hind Subai idrissi, contacted me for an interview. Thanks to her article my story shined. Between 2015 and 2016 I was invited by 2M, Aljazeera, BBC Arabic and Cap Radio for an interview. I was exhausted by over-work and pain through my whole body. It was strange.…

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