Farewell List

Farewell List
Mohamed Failali
ISBN : 978-9920-39-575-5

In loving memory of the victims of incurable diseases all over the world!

‘Doctor Francesca Cortellaro, who works at Milan’s San Carlo Borromeo hospital, told an Italian newspaper: “You know what’s most dramatic? Seeing patients dying alone, listening to them as they beg you to say goodbye to their children and grandchildren. Coronavirus patients arrive on their own, and when they are about to die, they sense it. They are lucid, they do not go into narcolepsy ‘sleepiness’. It is as if they were drowning, but with time to understand it.’’

She described how a dying grandmother had recently asked her to see her granddaughter. “I pulled out the phone and called her on video. They said goodbye. Soon after, she was gone. By now, I have a long list of video calls. I call it a Farewell List.’’ – Press.


Farewell List by Mohamed Failali

Farewell List Stories Author Mohamed Failali ISBN : 978-9920-39-575-5 In loving memory of the victims of incurable diseases all over the world! ‘Doctor Francesca Cortellaro, who works at Milan’s San Carlo Borromeo hospital, told an Italian newspaper: “You know what’s most dramatic? Seeing patients dying alone, listening to them as they beg you to say…

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