La Profumeuse

La Profumeuse



Mohamed Failali

ISBN: 978-9920-39-611-0


I was going to print this book. Because of the sanitary confinement, I published it as an e-book. Everyone has a book within. I invite you to write your book and publish it for free on the internet. Your knowledge might help others who need it. I met men and women, who have knowledge of great value, which will disappear once they die. So, please, if you have an idea, let it shine and enlighten the way to the next generation.


LaProfumeuse by Mohamed Failali


La Profumeuse Story Author Mohamed Failali ISBN: 978-9920-39-611-0   I was going to print this book. Because of the sanitary confinement, I published it as an e-book. Everyone has a book within. I invite you to write your book and publish it for free on the internet. Your knowledge might help others who need it.…

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